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In this article, you will gain valuable insights into the anticipated crime rates in Broward County for the year 2023. By analyzing the data and trends from previous years, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the safety landscape in the county. Understanding the predicted crime rates can help residents, businesses, and law enforcement agencies to make informed decisions, develop appropriate strategies, and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.

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Overall Crime Rates in Broward County

Broward County, located in Florida, has experienced fluctuations in its crime rates over the years. Understanding these trends is crucial in order to identify the factors that influence crime rates and develop effective strategies to combat crime. In 2023, the county saw a slight increase in overall crime compared to previous years. This article will delve into the major categories of crime, as well as the specific types of crimes prevalent in Broward County.

2023 Crime Rates In Broward County

See the 2023 Crime Rates In Broward County in detail.

Comparison with previous years

When comparing the crime rates in Broward County to previous years, there has been a noticeable increase. This rise is concerning and requires a thorough examination to pinpoint the underlying causes. By analyzing the statistics and identifying any patterns, law enforcement agencies and community leaders can work together to develop targeted strategies to address this issue effectively.

Factors influencing crime rates

Various factors contribute to the level of crime in Broward County. Socioeconomic conditions, drug prevalence, community disintegration, and ineffective law enforcement strategies are some of the key factors that influence crime rates. Understanding these factors is essential in order to implement proactive measures that can help decrease crime rates and improve the overall safety and well-being of Broward County residents.

Impact of COVID-19 on crime

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on crime rates worldwide, and Broward County is no exception. The restrictions and economic hardships brought about by the pandemic have led to changes in criminal activities. While some crimes decreased due to stay-at-home orders and reduced opportunities for criminal behavior, others, such as domestic violence and cybercrimes, saw an alarming increase. It is crucial for law enforcement agencies and communities to adapt their strategies and resources to address these emerging trends effectively.

Efforts to reduce crime

In response to the rising crime rates, Broward County has implemented various initiatives to combat crime and ensure the safety of its residents. One approach has been an increased police presence in high-crime areas. This visible presence serves as a deterrent to potential criminals and provides a sense of security for the community. Additionally, community outreach programs have been established to establish stronger bonds between law enforcement and residents, fostering trust and encouraging community members to report crimes. Technological advancements, such as advanced surveillance systems and predictive analytics, are also being utilized to enhance crime prevention and detection capabilities. Collaboration between Broward County law enforcement agencies and other agencies at the local, state, and federal levels is key to effectively addressing cross-jurisdictional crime and establishing a comprehensive approach to crime reduction.

Major Categories of Crime

To gain a better understanding of the crime landscape in Broward County, it is essential to examine the major categories of crime that contribute to the overall crime rates. These categories include violent crimes, property crimes, drug crimes, and white-collar crimes. By examining each category, we can identify the specific types of crimes that have the most significant impact on the county’s crime rates.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes are among the most serious offenses and pose a significant threat to public safety. In Broward County, the major types of violent crimes include homicide, robbery, assault, and sexual assault. These crimes not only have severe physical and psychological effects on the victims but also instill fear within the community. To effectively combat violent crimes, law enforcement agencies employ various strategies, including increased patrols, targeted investigations, and community engagement programs.


Homicide, the most extreme form of violence, involves the intentional killing of another individual. Broward County has experienced fluctuations in homicide rates over the years, with 2023 seeing an increase compared to previous years. In order to address this alarming trend, law enforcement agencies must focus on improving investigative techniques, establishing cooperative relationships with the community, and implementing proactive measures to prevent homicides from occurring in the first place.


Robbery involves the use or threat of force to take property from another person. This crime has a significant impact on both individuals and businesses, affecting their sense of security and financial stability. The implementation of targeted patrols in high-risk areas, as well as the promotion of community awareness and education regarding personal safety, can help to reduce the prevalence of robbery in Broward County.


Assault is defined as the deliberate act of causing physical harm or fear of harm to another person. It can range from simple assaults, such as pushing or slapping, to more severe forms that result in serious injuries. Addressing assault requires a multi-faceted approach that includes effective law enforcement responses, community engagement, and the provision of support services for victims.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a heinous crime that involves any non-consensual sexual act or behavior towards another person. It has a devastating impact on the victims, often causing long-lasting trauma and psychological distress. Broward County recognizes the importance of providing comprehensive support to sexual assault survivors, including access to medical care, counseling services, and legal advocacy. Law enforcement agencies work tirelessly to investigate sexual assault cases, bring offenders to justice, and raise awareness about consent and sexual violence prevention.

Property Crimes

Property crimes encompass offenses that involve the theft or destruction of someone else’s property. In Broward County, the major types of property crimes include burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. These crimes not only result in significant financial losses but also create a sense of insecurity within the community.


Burglary involves the unlawful entry into a premises with the intent to commit theft or another felony. It is imperative for Broward County residents and business owners to take proactive measures to safeguard their properties and deter potential burglars. This can include installing security systems, utilizing proper lighting, and participating in community watch programs.


Larceny/theft refers to the unlawful taking and carrying away of another person’s property with the intent to permanently deprive them of its possession. It is one of the most common property crimes in Broward County. Educating the public about crime prevention techniques, such as securing personal belongings and reporting suspicious activities, can help reduce the prevalence of larceny/theft and protect individuals and businesses from financial losses.

Motor Vehicle Theft

Motor vehicle theft involves the unauthorized taking or theft of a vehicle. Broward County has seen an increase in motor vehicle theft in recent years, highlighting the need for enhanced vehicle security measures and public awareness. Law enforcement agencies actively address this type of crime through targeted investigations, public education campaigns, and collaboration with other jurisdictions.


Arson, the deliberate act of starting fires to damage or destroy property, poses a significant risk to public safety. Broward County has an obligation to investigate arson cases thoroughly and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. Fire prevention education, enhanced fire safety standards, and partnerships between law enforcement and fire departments are crucial in mitigating the occurrence and impact of arson in the county.

Drug Crimes

Drug crimes involve the illicit possession, manufacture, distribution, or use of controlled substances. In Broward County, the major types of drug crimes include drug possession, drug trafficking, drug manufacturing, and prescription drug abuse. Addressing drug crimes requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on both prevention and enforcement.

Drug Possession

Drug possession involves the unlawful possession of illegal drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. Broward County law enforcement agencies work in collaboration with other agencies to combat drug possession through proactive policing, targeted investigations, and the implementation of diversion programs that provide substance abuse treatment rather than incarceration for non-violent drug offenders.

Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking refers to the illegal transportation, distribution, and sale of controlled substances. It is a complex and organized criminal activity that requires a multi-agency approach to disrupt drug supply chains, dismantle trafficking networks, and hold individuals involved in drug trafficking accountable. Broward County actively collaborates with federal agencies to combat drug trafficking, including conducting joint operations, intelligence sharing, and implementing strategies to disrupt major drug trafficking routes.

Drug Manufacturing

Drug manufacturing involves the production or cultivation of illicit drugs, such as methamphetamine or synthetic drugs. Broward County law enforcement agencies utilize investigative techniques and intelligence sharing to identify and dismantle drug manufacturing operations, ensuring the safety of the community and reducing the supply of illegal drugs.

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse has become a significant concern in Broward County and nationwide. It involves the misuse or excessive use of prescription medications, resulting in addiction and other adverse effects. Broward County has implemented programs and initiatives to address prescription drug abuse, including prescription drug take-back events, education campaigns, and the development of prescription monitoring programs to identify individuals who may be engaging in inappropriate or excessive use of prescription medications.

White-collar Crimes

White-collar crimes are non-violent offenses typically committed by individuals in positions of trust or authority. In Broward County, the major types of white-collar crimes include fraud, embezzlement, identity theft, and money laundering. These crimes have a significant economic impact and often require specialized investigative techniques.


Fraud involves intentional deception or misrepresentation for personal gain, often resulting in financial losses for individuals or organizations. Broward County has established specialized units within law enforcement agencies to investigate various types of fraud, such as identity theft, tax fraud, and investment fraud. These units collaborate with other agencies and provide education to the public to raise awareness about common fraud schemes and prevention strategies.


Embezzlement refers to the misappropriation of funds or property entrusted to someone’s care, often by individuals in positions of authority within an organization. Broward County recognizes the seriousness of embezzlement and works diligently to investigate and prosecute these cases. Strengthening internal controls, conducting thorough audits, and implementing whistleblower protection programs are vital in preventing and detecting embezzlement.

Identity Theft

Identity theft involves the unauthorized use of someone’s personal information for fraudulent purposes, such as opening credit accounts or committing financial crimes. Broward County has established specialized units to investigate identity theft cases and educate the public about prevention measures, such as safeguarding personal information and monitoring financial accounts for suspicious activity.

Money Laundering

Money laundering is the process of making illegally obtained money appear legitimate by concealing its true source. Broward County recognizes the significance of money laundering as it enables criminals to profit from their illegal activities. Law enforcement agencies work with financial institutions and other government agencies to detect and investigate money laundering schemes, disrupt illicit financial flows, and seize assets acquired through criminal proceeds.

Crime Rates by City within Broward County

Broward County comprises several cities, each with its own unique characteristics and crime rates. By examining crime rates by city, law enforcement agencies can tailor their strategies to address the specific needs of each community.

Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, the largest city in Broward County, experiences a higher crime rate due to its size and population density. Law enforcement agencies have implemented additional resources and specialized units to combat crime effectively in Fort Lauderdale. Community involvement and support programs, such as neighborhood watch groups and community policing initiatives, play a vital role in reducing crime rates and increasing public safety in the city.

2023 Crime Rates In Broward County


Hollywood, known for its vibrant tourism industry, faces unique challenges in maintaining public safety. The city employs a community-oriented policing approach, emphasizing collaboration between law enforcement agencies and residents to identify and address emerging crime trends effectively. By fostering a close relationship between law enforcement and the community, Hollywood aims to create a safer environment for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

Pompano Beach

Pompano Beach, located along the Atlantic coastline, has seen a gradual decrease in crime rates in recent years. This can be attributed to proactive policing strategies, increased community engagement, and targeted enforcement efforts. Pompano Beach collaborates with neighboring jurisdictions and shares resources to address regional crime issues effectively.

Coral Springs

Coral Springs, often regarded as one of the safest cities in Broward County, is known for its strong community bonds and proactive approach to crime prevention. The city emphasizes community involvement through Citizen Observer Patrol programs and encourages residents to report suspicious activities promptly. Coral Springs leverages technology and data analysis to enhance crime prevention and detection, allowing law enforcement to respond swiftly and effectively.

Crime Rates by Age Group

Understanding the demographics of crime can provide valuable insights into the patterns and causes of criminal behavior. Analyzing crime rates by age group allows law enforcement agencies and community leaders to develop targeted interventions and prevention initiatives.

Youth crime

Youth crime refers to criminal activities committed by individuals under the age of 18. Broward County recognizes the importance of early intervention and prevention programs to address youth crime effectively. The county invests in diversion programs, mentoring initiatives, and educational opportunities aimed at keeping at-risk youth away from criminal activities and guiding them towards a more productive and law-abiding future.

Adult crime

Adult crime encompasses criminal activities committed by individuals above the age of 18. Broward County focuses on developing comprehensive rehabilitation programs for adult offenders, emphasizing the importance of education, vocational training, and counseling services to reduce recidivism rates. By addressing the underlying causes of adult crime, such as substance abuse and lack of employment opportunities, the county aims to break the cycle of criminal behavior and promote community reintegration.

Senior crime

Senior crime refers to criminal activities perpetrated against older adults, often involving fraud or scams targeting vulnerable individuals. Broward County places a strong emphasis on protecting its senior population from exploitation and abuse. Collaboration between law enforcement and community organizations, as well as public education campaigns, are crucial in raising awareness about common scams and empowering seniors to protect themselves against financial exploitation.

Crime Rates by Gender

Examining crime rates by gender can provide valuable insights into the gender-specific factors that contribute to criminal behavior. By developing targeted interventions and support services, law enforcement agencies and community organizations can address the unique needs and challenges faced by both male and female offenders.

Male offenders

Traditionally, crime rates have been higher among male offenders. Broward County recognizes the importance of addressing the underlying factors that contribute to male involvement in criminal activities, such as limited economic opportunities, lack of education, and exposure to violence. The county works to provide resources and support for male offenders, including educational programs, vocational training, and mental health services, to facilitate successful reintegration into society.

Female offenders

Female offenders often face unique challenges that require tailored support and intervention strategies. Broward County acknowledges the importance of addressing the underlying causes of female criminal behavior, such as trauma, substance abuse, and limited access to healthcare. The county provides specialized programs, including substance abuse treatment, counseling services, and educational opportunities, that aim to empower female offenders to break the cycle of crime and lead productive lives.

Efforts to Combat Crime in Broward County

Broward County is committed to reducing crime rates and ensuring the safety of its residents. Various measures and initiatives have been implemented to combat crime effectively and foster a secure environment for all.

Increased police presence

Increasing police presence in areas with high crime rates is a crucial strategy employed by Broward County. This visible presence not only deters potential criminals but also provides a sense of security for residents. By strategically deploying law enforcement resources based on crime data and intelligence, Broward County enhances the effectiveness of its crime prevention efforts.

Community outreach programs

Broward County recognizes the importance of building stronger relationships between law enforcement agencies and the community. Community outreach programs, such as town hall meetings, neighborhood watch groups, and youth engagement initiatives, foster trust, encourage active participation in crime prevention, and promote open lines of communication between residents and law enforcement. These programs empower community members to take an active role in making Broward County a safer place to live, work, and raise families.

Technological advancements

Technological advancements play a vital role in improving crime prevention and detection capabilities. Broward County utilizes advanced surveillance systems, data analytics, and predictive modeling to identify crime hotspots, allocate resources effectively, and detect emerging patterns or trends. This data-driven approach allows law enforcement agencies to proactively address crime and allocate resources where they are most needed.

Collaboration with other agencies

Collaboration between Broward County law enforcement agencies and other agencies at the local, state, and federal levels is essential in combating crime. By sharing resources, intelligence, and expertise, agencies can effectively address cross-jurisdictional crime, dismantle criminal networks, and maximize the impact of their efforts. The collaboration also extends to community-based organizations, educational institutions, and business associations, creating a united front against crime in Broward County.

In conclusion, an analysis of the overall crime rates in Broward County provides valuable insights into the prevalent types of crimes, factors influencing crime rates, and efforts to combat crime. The county faces unique challenges in addressing violent crimes, property crimes, drug crimes, and white-collar crimes. By implementing proactive strategies, embracing community engagement, leveraging technology, and fostering collaboration, Broward County continues to make significant strides in reducing crime rates and ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents.

See the 2023 Crime Rates In Broward County in detail.