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In this article, you will gain valuable insights into the 2022 crime rates in Broward County. Delving into the latest statistics, it becomes evident that understanding the current crime landscape is crucial for both residents and law enforcement agencies. By providing a comprehensive overview of the crime rates, this article aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions regarding your safety and contribute to the collective efforts in maintaining a secure community.

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2022 Crime Rates In Broward County

See the 2022 Crime Rates In Broward County in detail.

Overview of Broward County

Broward County, located on the southeastern coast of Florida, is known for its vibrant communities, beautiful beaches, and bustling cities. Spanning over 1,300 square miles, it is the second-most populous county in Florida and the 17th-most populous county in the United States. With its diverse population, Broward County reflects a rich tapestry of cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

Geographical Location

Broward County is situated between Miami-Dade County to the south and Palm Beach County to the north. Its eastern border runs along the Atlantic Ocean, offering residents and visitors access to stunning coastlines and a thriving tourism industry. The county is also home to the Everglades, a unique ecosystem that provides natural beauty and recreational opportunities.


As of 2021, Broward County’s estimated population is over 2 million people. The county’s population has seen steady growth over the years, with an increase of approximately 9% since 2010. With diverse communities such as Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, and Pembroke Pines, Broward County offers a wide range of lifestyles and opportunities for its residents.


Broward County is renowned for its diverse demographic makeup. The county boasts a multicultural population, including various racial and ethnic groups. According to the latest available data, the majority of residents in Broward County identify as White, followed by Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Asian. The county also has a sizable LGBTQ+ community.

Types of Crimes

Like any populated area, Broward County faces its share of criminal activities. However, law enforcement agencies strive to maintain public safety and uphold the rule of law. Understanding the different types of crimes prevalent in the county allows for effective enforcement, prevention, and intervention strategies.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes include acts that cause physical harm or threaten the well-being of individuals. In Broward County, common violent crimes involve homicides, assaults, robberies, and sexual assaults. Tragically, these offenses can have long-lasting effects on the victims and the community as a whole.

Property Crimes

Property crimes encompass offenses against someone’s tangible possessions or assets. Burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, and vandalism fall under this category. While these crimes may not directly threaten individuals’ safety, they can deeply impact victims financially and emotionally.

Drug-related Crimes

The presence of drug-related crimes poses significant challenges to Broward County’s law enforcement agencies. These crimes involve the possession, trafficking, and manufacture of controlled substances. Drug possession, drug trafficking, and the manufacturing of controlled substances are among the top drug-related offenses in the county.

White-collar Crimes

White-collar crimes typically involve non-violent offenses committed for financial gain or deception. Broward County sees its fair share of white-collar crimes, including embezzlement, fraud, identity theft, and money laundering. These crimes often require extensive investigations due to their complex nature and potential impact on both individuals and businesses.

Crimes Against Persons

Crimes against persons refer to offenses that directly target individuals. In Broward County, law enforcement agencies allocate resources and implement strategies to address these crimes and ensure public safety.


Homicides, the most severe form of crimes against persons, involve the intentional killing of one person by another. Tragically, Broward County has experienced instances of homicides that have impacted families, communities, and the broader justice system. Law enforcement agencies work diligently to solve these cases and bring justice to the victims and their loved ones.


Assault refers to acts that involve the intentional infliction of physical harm or the threat of bodily harm against another person. Broward County witnesses various forms of assault, both in public and domestic settings. Detecting and preventing assaults is crucial to maintaining a safe and secure environment for residents and visitors alike.


Robbery involves the intentional taking of another person’s property by force or threat of force. In Broward County, robberies occur in various settings, such as homes, businesses, and public spaces. The impact of robbery extends beyond the immediate loss of property, as victims may face emotional distress and long-term consequences.

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault involves any unwanted sexual act committed against an individual without their consent. Broward County recognizes the seriousness of sexual assault crimes and provides support through specialized law enforcement units, victim advocacy programs, and medical services. Efforts are made to ensure survivors have access to justice and receive the care they need to heal.

2022 Crime Rates In Broward County

Crimes Against Property

Crimes against property refer to offenses that target someone’s belongings, assets, or properties. Broward County experiences a range of property crimes that impact residents, business owners, and visitors.


Burglary occurs when an individual unlawfully enters a structure with the intent to commit a theft or felony. Residential and commercial burglaries are unfortunately prevalent in Broward County. Law enforcement agencies employ investigative techniques and community partnerships to prevent and solve these crimes effectively.

Motor Vehicle Theft

Motor vehicle theft involves the unauthorized taking or control of someone’s vehicle. Auto thefts can be distressing for victims, as they not only lose their mode of transportation but may also face financial burdens. Broward County utilizes various strategies, such as public awareness campaigns and targeted enforcement, to combat motor vehicle theft.


Arson refers to the intentional act of setting fire to property or structures. Arson can result in devastating consequences, including property damage, loss of life, and severe emotional trauma. Broward County places significant importance on fire investigations to deter arson and ensure the safety of its residents.


Vandalism entails the deliberate destruction, defacing, or damage to someone’s property. Graffiti, property damage, and destruction of public spaces are common forms of vandalism in Broward County. Prompt reporting and increased community vigilance are essential in curbing acts of vandalism and preserving the county’s aesthetic appeal.

Drug-related Crimes

Broward County faces the challenges of drug-related crimes, which encompass offenses related to the possession, manufacture, and distribution of controlled substances.

Drug Possession

Drug possession crimes involve individuals unlawfully possessing controlled substances for personal use or distribution. Broward County law enforcement agencies tackle drug possession offenses to prevent the negative impact drug abuse has on individuals, families, and communities.

Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking refers to illegal activities involving the importation, transportation, and distribution of controlled substances. Broward County’s strategic location along major transportation routes makes it susceptible to drug trafficking activities. Proactive law enforcement measures aim to disrupt drug trafficking networks and reduce the availability of illegal drugs in the county.

Manufacturing of Controlled Substances

The manufacturing of controlled substances involves the illicit production of drugs, including methamphetamines and synthetic opioids. Broward County law enforcement diligently investigates and dismantles clandestine drug labs while collaborating with state and federal agencies to curb drug manufacturing operations.

White-collar Crimes

White-collar crimes, often classified as non-violent offenses, are characterized by deceit, fraud, and financial manipulation. Broward County grapples with various types of white-collar crimes that require specialized attention and resources.


Embezzlement refers to the misappropriation or theft of funds entrusted to an individual in a position of trust. Broward County addresses embezzlement with investigative expertise, seeking to safeguard financial resources and protect victims from significant monetary losses.


Fraud encompasses a broad range of deceptive practices aimed at deceiving individuals or organizations for personal gain. Broward County targets fraudulent schemes, such as investment fraud, identity theft, and insurance fraud, to safeguard residents, businesses, and the overall economic health of the community.

Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone wrongfully obtains another person’s identifying information to commit fraud or other criminal activities. This form of white-collar crime can have severe consequences for victims, including financial loss and compromised personal privacy. Broward County emphasizes identity theft prevention efforts and supports victims through specialized resources.

Money Laundering

Money laundering involves disguising the proceeds of illegal activities as legitimate funds. Broward County recognizes the potential implications of money laundering on the local economy and national security. Law enforcement agencies collaborate with financial institutions and regulatory bodies to detect, investigate, and prosecute money laundering activities.

Trends in Crime Rates

Analyzing crime rates in Broward County provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of law enforcement strategies, societal changes, and external influences impacting overall public safety.

Yearly Comparison

Evaluating crime rates on an annual basis helps identify trends and patterns specific to Broward County. Comparing statistics from previous years allows for a comprehensive analysis of changes in crime rates over time. This analysis helps law enforcement agencies target resources and implement proactive measures to address emerging challenges.

Month-to-Month Variation

Monitoring month-to-month variations in crime rates provides a more granular understanding of crime patterns within Broward County. Identifying seasonal or recurring fluctuations can inform targeted enforcement efforts during periods of heightened criminal activity. Additionally, it enables agencies to devote resources where they will have the most impact on public safety.

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects on communities worldwide, including its impact on crime rates. Broward County, like many other areas, experienced shifts in crime trends during the pandemic. Understanding these changes allows for a more nuanced approach to crime prevention and intervention strategies that address evolving community needs.

Historical Trends

Examining historical crime trends in Broward County provides an essential foundation for assessing long-term changes and understanding the county’s unique challenges. Identifying persistent or recurring patterns helps formulate targeted responses and prevention initiatives tailored to the specific needs of the community.

Factors Influencing Crime Rates

Several complex factors contribute to crime rates in Broward County. Understanding these influences is crucial to developing effective crime prevention strategies, enhancing community resilience, and promoting public safety.


Unemployment rates play a significant role in crime rates, as individuals facing financial hardship may be more likely to engage in criminal activities. Broward County’s economic landscape and fluctuations in employment levels can impact crime rates, making interventions focused on job creation and workforce development essential.

Poverty Levels

Poverty is often associated with increased crime rates, as disadvantaged communities may face limited opportunities and resources. Broward County’s efforts to address poverty through social welfare programs, education, and economic development initiatives can positively impact crime rates by reducing the conditions that contribute to criminal behavior.

Drug Epidemics

The prevalence of drug abuse and addiction can contribute to higher rates of drug-related crimes and associated criminal activities. Broward County prioritizes substance abuse prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs to mitigate the societal impact of drug epidemics on crime rates.

Gang Activities

Gang activities can significantly influence crime rates in communities. Broward County implements multi-agency strategies to combat gang-related crimes, including proactive targeting of gang members, community outreach, and collaborative efforts with non-profit organizations to offer alternative pathways for vulnerable youth.

Law Enforcement Initiatives

Law enforcement agencies in Broward County employ various initiatives to combat crime, promote community safety, and foster trust and cooperation between the police and residents.

Increased Police Presence

Increasing police presence through targeted patrols, foot patrols, and community engagement programs can have a deterrent effect on criminal activities. Broward County law enforcement agencies prioritize visible policing strategies to enhance public safety and build positive relationships with the community.

Community Policing Programs

Community policing programs prioritize collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the community to address crime issues collectively. Broward County encourages community involvement through neighborhood watch programs, citizen academies, and regular dialogue between residents and law enforcement personnel.

Crime Prevention Strategies

Proactive crime prevention strategies aim to reduce opportunities for criminal activities and promote community safety. Broward County law enforcement agencies focus on crime prevention through environmental design, public awareness campaigns, and targeted interventions that address specific crime trends and community needs.

Efforts to Reduce Crime Rates

Broward County recognizes that crime reduction requires a comprehensive approach that extends beyond law enforcement efforts alone. Collaborative efforts involving various stakeholders are key to establishing safer communities.

Education and Awareness Campaigns

Education and awareness campaigns play a vital role in preventing crime and empowering residents to be proactive in maintaining their safety. Broward County supports initiatives that educate the community on crime prevention strategies, personal safety, and reporting procedures to foster a sense of shared responsibility.

Youth Programs and Mentorship

Investing in youth programs and mentorship initiatives provides positive alternatives to high-risk behaviors and promotes pro-social values. Broward County offers recreational activities, after-school programs, and mentorship opportunities to empower young individuals and reduce their vulnerability to criminal influences.

Social and Economic Development

Addressing underlying social and economic factors contributes to crime reduction in Broward County. Investing in affordable housing, job training programs, and community development initiatives promotes stability and resilience, reducing the conditions conducive to criminal activities.

In conclusion, Broward County faces a wide range of crimes that require a comprehensive and multifaceted approach. Law enforcement agencies, community organizations, and residents must work together to address these challenges effectively. By understanding the types of crimes, the demographics, and the factors influencing crime rates, Broward County can implement targeted strategies, initiatives, and preventive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents.

See the 2022 Crime Rates In Broward County in detail.